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Tarot Reading

Reading the Lovers Card | Love Tarot – A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide

Major Arcana Cards – The Lovers: Love

Since the Garden of Eden serves as the background for this Seventh Arcana Card from the deck and represents a place of perfect harmony and absolute happiness, I’m sure my dear readers have guessed that today’s topic of discussion is The Lovers Card, which represents love.

As always, we’ll be first discussing the significance & components of the Card, then the reversed and upright meanings for love & relationship, Careers & Finance. This card in the deck might be a straightforward symbol of romantic bliss but everything is not lilies and roses, be aware of what this card actually means in your reading. But don’t worry, we are here to help you, so hang on! 

Pictorial Representation & Significance

The lovers card can be associated with both pleasant & not-so-pleasant keywords such as Love & harmony as opposed to conflict & disharmony, it prompts that relationships could also end up as bad choices, and where there is balance, there could also be its opposite- imbalance. When it appears in a spread, it signifies a choice made regarding an ongoing relationship, a heartfelt temptation, or a possible companion.

It typically depicts two figures of a man and a woman standing in the Garden of Eden as shown as an apple tree with a serpent coiled around it, under a winged angel- Raphael. The angel shed light upon the individuals as a depiction of protection and as a symbol of both physical and mental health. Behind the figure, a tree of flames represents the man’s enthusiasm and principal interest.

The zodiac signs, which stand for eternity and time, are represented by the twelve flames. Air is linked to mental activity, specifically communication, which is the cornerstone of wholesome relationships. With his blessing, this card seems to represent the unification of two conflicting energies in a grand and cosmic sense, one of harmony and balance.

Upright vs. Reversed

The Upright Lovers Card shows you an evolution of the Hierophant card in a way that asks you to distinguish between the important and unimportant things in your life, what truly matters to you as an individual, and what doesn’t. The essence of the Lovers card is to show compassion, tenderness, & harmony between a man and a woman traditionally.

While its focus revolves around romantic partners, it can also tell you about a close relationship you share with a particular family member. The lovers’ togetherness and mutual trust offer each other strength and confidence, enabling the other. Since they have such a strong affinity, it is possible that they are married or involved in other close and personal relationships. 

While this is true, the Reversed Lovers reading can give some insights into the imbalances in your relationship. It hints towards the inner and outer conflicts the two people face with respect to their relationship. It could mean having trust issues, detachment, emotional disconnection, and sometimes poor choices in terms of the other person involved, there could also be a lack of intimacy & romance. It’s possible that you made a choice motivated by your need for instant satisfaction, but now you’re holding people accountable for the consequences that are coming back to haunt you. Therefore, you must atone for your mistakes, move on from the past, and make wiser choices going forward.

The Lovers Card in Love & Marriage

Oh! What a beautiful sight when it comes to reading the Upright Lover Card in Love and Marriages, it suggests a wonderful balance of forces and excellent choices. There could be a possible rekindling of romance in the air & you would feel extremely attracted to your significant other. It talks about the ideal pair that are made for each other & have adjusted to each other really well. It could be a sign of both of you connecting on a deeper level of understanding and leading a happy and peaceful life. 

If you feel annoyed being around your partner, or there is a sudden cold wave in your relationship, it is most likely to give out a reading of a Reversed Lover Tarot Card, and you need to be careful of your actions. It suggests the larger involvement of one person as compared to the other one which could lead to imbalances and conflicts in the relationship. While the sexual portion of the relationship looks perfect, there lacks a meeting of minds & desires! And to be on the same page with your partner, it requires some introspection on your part as in getting your priorities straight! 

The Lovers Card in Career & Finance

The Upright Lovers Card sees love blossoming out of a platonic relationship, something like a sweet little office romance story! But if this happens, one has to make a very calculated decision, being informed and ready for the consequences that may arrive on this path. It is also suggestive of a possible change or alteration in your employment and a big decision to be taken regarding your expenses. While there can be crossroads with unfavorable options, it is advised to take a strategic decision because it may have a bigger impact in the future. 

Ask your questions before making impulsive decisions about your finances because the Reversed Lovers Card has entered your life, it may induce you into having conflicts with your colleagues which would lead to a negative work environment for all. One colleague’s failure to contribute their fair share of effort could drag down both of them. This card occasionally does suggest a romantic relationship that began at work, but if it is reversed, it could be problematic for you.

Summing it Up-

The Lovers card ultimately emphasizes the value of making thoughtful decisions and striking a balance in all of your relationships, even though it is frequently connected to romantic love. It stands for a fork in the road where you have to consider your options and priorities. You can have a meaningful and satisfying relationship by being aware of your own wants and desires and approaching relationships with respect and open communication.